Archive for the 'best of' Category
Point/Counterpoint: Magic Cards as an Investment
August 3rd, 2010I Have Wings, Yet Cannot Fly
July 20th, 2010Chumba Umbra
March 29th, 2010Is Loot Making Our Prisons Less Safe?
March 13th, 2010
The greatest concern for many is how the loot affects Zendikar Prison’s security. Since its construction, a constant stream of adventurers have been pouring in, massively compromising Zendikar’s security measures in the process.
More...Habbardis the Fierce Gives Pep Talk
March 10th, 2010
The renowned heroes looked up the Eldrazi’s facehole in fear. They felt their knees grow weak and their hearts begin to race. They needed someone to help them summon up their courage, to give them the fortitude they needed to face this monstrous creature. They needed a speech, a collection of powerful words to rouse their spirits and elevate their morale.
More...Hello, Gamers.
March 9th, 2010
Hello, gamers. Look at your creature. Now back to me. Now back to your creature. Now back to me.
More...Wizard’s School Bans Students From Wearing Basilisk Collars
February 26th, 2010
Pendrell Vale, TOLARIA — The Basilisk Collar, a fashion staple of student libraries, has landed on a lists of prohibited equipment in several Tolarian schools.
Some schools have restricted or even banned the unusual collars, citing safety concerns.
More...Allied Expedition Faces Inquiry
February 4th, 2010
As of this writing, the Ally Party’s latest expedition is three million mana over budget and 53 turns behind schedule. Although the quest committee blames unforeseen difficulties and inclement weather, an ongoing investigation has uncovered the wasteful and corrupt inclusion of an alarmingly large number of Ally Party members and their associates on the quest payroll.
More...To my Fellow Archivists
February 2nd, 2010
I’ve held my tongue this long because I didn’t want to jeopardize my position here at the Encyclopedia Dominaria, but I cannot look the other way any longer. Someone has to stand up and say what we’re all thinking: our editor is abusing his power to spread his bigotry.