Archive for the '$200 Summer Contest entry' Category

Dark Confidant in ‘The Case of the Missing Minus, Part Two’

August 20th, 2013
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by KingRamz

“When I came to, I was alive, which was a great start. But it quickly went downhill. The hangover I’d had got together with the beating the tarmogoyf had given me and had little headache babies inside my head.”


Wizards Announces TimeShifted® Card for Theros

August 16th, 2013
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by Jethro

“Obviously the flavor of this card is a perfect fit with Greek fairy tales,” says Wizards spokesperson.


Dark Confidant in ‘The Case of the Missing Minus, Part One’

August 12th, 2013
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by KingRamz

“I spun around and hastily smoothed my robes as I headed back into my office to do my best to pretend that two minutes ago I hadn’t been drooling on the floor. It was a dame, and she was red. Could tell from the heels, and from the wisps of smoke and the singed area spreading over the top of my door frame. Always gives it away.”


Theros Cards Leaked; Mechanics Spoiled

August 8th, 2013
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by PMega

Our good friend and forum member PMega has stumbled upon even MORE secret card leaks, this time from the upcoming set “Theros”!
