An update on Magic Story: We will tell the stories we want to tell. However, some of our fans won’t have access to regionally blocked stories. Here are some of the error messages you might see.
Posted in mtg | Checkbox, ewie, Jeb Bush 2012, juice, Khaos, LSK, MindWarped, munocard, Rylinks, skeletor, ToadBrews, wcb
by Good Gamery
Pirates and Dinosaurs? Why not both at the same time? View our exclusive RIX spoiler!
Posted in mtg, spoiler | Checkbox, Good Gamery, MindWarped
By Good Gamery
ORLANDO, FL — Early this morning, photos of an uncut sheet of Rivals of Ixalan were leaked on imgur.
Posted in mtg, spoiler | Checkbox, Good Gamery, MindWarped
Reminiscing about old sets is one of our favorite holiday pastimes. Here are twenty-seven of our favorite cards from the classic expert-level expansion block Time Spiral. We think you’ll be delighted to walk down memory lane with us.
Posted in mtg | MindWarped
by MindWarped and Checkbox

Posted in card | Checkbox, MindWarped
by asdf and Mindwarped
Well, where else are we gonna put Emrakul?!?!
Posted in mtg | asdf, MindWarped
by Ertai, Professional Wizard
Being a wizard can be a complex beast—and being a beast can be complex as well. Being a both a wizard and a beast at the same time? It can be downright overwhelming. Until you break it down.
Posted in mtg | Checkbox, Grant, Juri, MindWarped
Boy, Odric, Lunarch Marshal sure can grant a lot of abilities! Here’s a look at the original design. We shaved a number of keywords after development raised concerns about “rules confusion”, “tournament time limits”, “shuffling nightmares”, and “how on earth would you even print this”. Take a look for yourself if you want to really flip out!
Posted in best of, card, mtg | Andrew J. Nagy, ANIME GOAT ASS, artificial, asdf, Averine, basilisk, Bracketbot, Checkbox, Crunchums, DerangedHermit, Doug, dr slearch, Drkdstryer, Faceless, fmm, Glocks For Interns, Grant, hill giant, Hyphen-ated, JSexton, Juri, Kelvandil, KingRamz, MindWarped, Monty, Mysticake, nemryn, Nightcow, Peebles, Pershore2, QED2, QED3, Rylinks, Seeker, Supa Cow, The Oily Pronghorn, viashino, Vodalian Stallion, wcb, YeNguyen, YWN
by MindWarped
Are you determined to buy the next Magic: the Gathering collectable deck, but don’t yet know what it is? Have you been to the website looking for the latest Magic products, only to turn away lost and bewildered?
Posted in mtg, preview, Products | MindWarped
by MindWarped
Troll Ascetic in Tahngarth, Talruum Hero’s “HEX PROOF”
Posted in best of, mtg | MindWarped