Archive for February, 2008

How to play a game on Magic Online

February 8th, 2008
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by JoINrbs

Another instructional video from JoINrbs.


Pro MTG Online #177

February 7th, 2008
by anonymous

Pro MTG Online, the ultimate self-aware Magic strategy web comic, has updated itself. Click here to read it!

Goblins vs Gemstone Mine commentary

February 6th, 2008
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by JoINrbs

JoINrbs on YouTube.



February 6th, 2008
Card Icon
by PaZ

In order to ‘chop something, simply get Photoshop or Gimp and download the Chop PSD found in the Pragmatic Links Zone at the top. Inside you’ll find a layered Photoshop file that lets you make cards, and fonts to install so that you have the right fonts.


Clinton Kicks Off MT2 Super Tuesday, Disintegrates

February 5th, 2008
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by paz

SAN FRANSISCO, Cal. – Hillary Clinton kicked off MiseTings2 Super Tuesday in a live press conference today. “All of the humor contest entries had been received and processed,” she said. She announced and that the polls were now open for MT2 members to elect their favorite pieces of humorous content submitted throughout January.


How to get into MODO on your computer

February 5th, 2008
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by JoINrbs

I tried to make it so you could read the folder names but you can’t. They are really funny though.


How to get into MODO on my computer

February 4th, 2008
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by JoINrbs

This is an instructional guide on how to get into MODO on my computer.


Pro MTG Online #176

February 3rd, 2008
by anonymous

Pro MTG Online, the ultimate self-aware Magic strategy web comic, has updated itself. Click here to read it!