MTGO Players to Receive Twice the Anticipation

Posted on Tuesday, June 10th, 2008 by slearch
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Starting with Eventide, players of Wizards of the Coast’s wildly successful Magic: the Gathering Online (MTGO) will be given the opportunity to look forward to two sets as opposed to the usual single set. Since Shadowmoor has yet to be made available online, the Eventide Preview Booster on marks the first time ever that MTGO players have been able to see cards they can’t play with two sets in advance.

“We’re excited,” said Wizards of the Coast Brand representative Worth Wolpert. “Anticipation of what’s coming around the corner is a big part of what players enjoy about Magic,” he continued, “I mean, just look at the response we’ve had on the forums.” At this point Mr. Wolpert turned to his computer, clicked a few things, muttered something about “casual morons”, and told me to leave.

“A lot of the anticipation that MTGO players have felt in the past year has been met with bitter dissappointment, leading to a certain level of jadedness” commented veteran MTGO player Hoagie Side Salad. “In the world of MTGO optimism, new sets are a sure thing – players now have double the new upcoming cards to be happy about,” he continued. “I mean the only way we wouldn’t see these sets is if they just shut the whole thing down, and they wouldn’t do that, right?” At that moment his eyes darted from side and he excused himself.

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