Wizards Legal Brief: Land and Ownership Laws
A ruling by a level 2 judge at a recent Extended tournament in Lincoln, Nebraska has caused considerable consternation thanks to its far-reaching effect on land ownership rules. During the second round of the tournament a question arose when, between games one and two, Jackson Redding shuffled a land of his opponents (that had been enchanted with Annex at some point during the previous game) into the deck he presented back to his opponent, Richard “Rick Roll” Deece. When Richard noticed this error, he called the judge over, who read Annex and then determined that Jackson retained control of the land, saying, “the card in question is in Mr. Redding’s deck, isn’t it? Seems pretty clear to me”. This resulted in Richard presenting an illegal 59 card deck, for which he was given a game loss.
Once this ruling hit the internet, Wizards was forced to issue a statement saying it would reluctantly abide by the judge’s decision, citing the DCI Universal Tournament Rules (“the Head Judge is the final authority regarding card interpretations”).
Significant errata has now been issued for what used to be Annex, and players should be aware that it takes effect immediately (rollover for change):
Some of the other cards that are likely to be affected, but for which errata has not yet been released, include (though not limited to):
Steal Artifact
Threaten – potentially only a problem if opponent dies during (but before the end of) turn creature was taken
Mindslaver – the Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments on whether or not this card, under the new ownership rules, violates the 13th Amendment.