Archive for May, 2009


May 14th, 2009
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by ein

They make this game look good.


Dominion Comix #1 through #18

May 14th, 2009
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by Basilisk

Dominion is a hit card game where each player makes miniature combo decks and tries to buy all of the Provinces and Labs before other players can.


Pro MTG Online #219

May 13th, 2009
by anonymous

Pro MTG Online, the ultimate self-aware Magic strategy web comic, has updated itself. Click here to read it!

Magical Cards Facebook Feed

May 11th, 2009
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by slearch with contributions from Basilisk and Skeletor

This recently uncovered super-secret Facebook feed gives you insight into the crazy world of Magic Cards!


Wizard Energy Beverages

May 9th, 2009
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by Basilisk

Where do Wizards get their energy? Top researchers Teferi and Ertai delve into this mysterious plane of oranges, grapes, and disgusting metallic additives.


Uril, the Miststalker: A Creepy Thing Not from Grixis

May 8th, 2009
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by ozymandias

Alara, fresh off its planar merger with itself, has been beset by all manner of difficulties, ranging from Etherium Abominations devouring Bant birthday parties to Vithian Renegades breaking the Time Sieve breaking the Time Sieve breaking the Time Sieve breaking the Time Sieve…


Encrypted Command

May 1st, 2009
Card Icon
by ein

What does that even mean? What does this card even say?
