Great Designer Search 2: Week 3
Hello and Welcome to Week 3 of The Great Designer Search 2, where we crush the dreams of all but one aspiring Magic Card designer.

Firstly, congratulations to Brandi, Kandi, Shaniq’a, James L and James L who made it through last week’s Design a Rare Cycle challenge. Unfortunately that challenge saw the end of Steve whose cycle was the weakest of the 6 we saw:

Now, on to this week’s challenge. A good measure of a set is the number of packs of the set that we sell which is why this week we’re asking you to design a cycle of ten Mythic dual lands.
To start you on your way, feel free to read my articles from Land Week, Dual Land Week, Allied Dual Week, Enemy Dual Week, How to Design Dual Lands Week, Dueling Land Week, Dual Land Week 2: Simba’s Pride, Mythic Week, Money-Gouging Week and of course, Elegence.