Good Gamery Member Achieves Significant Win

Posted on Wednesday, March 9th, 2011 by Good Gamery
Posted in mtg, serious business

SEATTLE, WA – A noted member of Good Gamery split in the finals of a draft on Saturday. The momentous win took place during the perpetual Cascade Games Magic: The Gathering events concurrent with the Emerald City Comicon.

This marks the 3rd draft finals split for Stan Patton, known as the despised/beloved “paz” on Good Gamery.

“It was the kind of draft pool you dream about,” said paz. “Everything just came together. Man alive. Good gravy.”

To acheive his noteworthy victory, paz had to overcome two insidious opponents. Those opponents were Good Gamery’s Skeletor and Good Gamery’s JSexton.

“We didn’t even want to come,” said JSexton. “Paz was obsessed with drafting at least once during the weekend comicon. Thankfully he split, so we were able to go back to the hotel and play IRL Mafia with the ladies.”

Skeletor was equally unenthused. “I haven’t played Magic for 6 years,” he said. “Paz helped me make my deck, for heaven’s sake.”

Paz, however, gushed with energy, glowing with a luminescent aura that he believes only sanctioned Magic events can administer.

“Thank goodness the other guy wanted to split, too,” Paz remarked. “He drafted a mill deck. Is this some scrub who got lucky? Or is this some draft archetype to which I’ve never been introduced? I didn’t want to find out.”

After pressuring his friends to draft and drink with him, activities in which neither friends were eager to take part, paz said, “Man, this weekend ruled.”