Wizards Announces TimeShifted® Card for Theros
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Wizards of the Coast has announced a TimeShifted® card, originally from Future Sight, that will be printed in Theros!
That’s right: Daybreak Coronet. A Wizards spokesperson explains:
Obviously the flavor of this card is a perfect fit with Greek fairy tales.
If I can talk briefly about our most popular format: Modern! Reprinting this lets Modern hexproof players aquire a playset with ease, lowering the barrier to entry significantly. Nothing pleases me more than imagining modern GP’s next season filled with bright-eyed young players fielding Bant Hexproof. Eagle-eyed players will spot how this card points towards an aura sub-theme in Theros. Well, I can officially tell you such sub theme does not exist, this card was printed entirely as a constructed hole-filler and is useless in Limited. Enjoy Theros!
Meanwhile, in a parallel universe…
Wizards of the Coast has announced a TimeShifted® card, originally from Future Sight, that will be printed in Theros!
Surprising no one, it’s Nimbus Maze! Wizards Says:
We also love how well these combo with Guildgates.
Concurrently, in an alternate dimension…
Wizards of the Coast has announced a TimeShifted® card, originally from Future Sight, that will be printed in Theros!
Well, color us intrigued! Let’s see what Wizards has to say:
There was concern from the creative department that this didn’t fit the tone of Theros; we solved this by making absolutely 100% sure that the red guys on Theros like attacking things. Phew!
Elsewhere in the multiverse…
Wizards of the Coast has announced a TimeShifted® card, originally from Future Sight, that will be printed in Theros!
Wizards writes:
We also knew it would be great for Commander, and love how well it interacts with Populate. [EDIT: The employee who said this has since been fed alive to The Bees.]
Meanwhile, in a totally different totality…
Wizards of the Coast has announced a TimeShifted® card, originally from Future Sight, that will be printed in Theros!
How this complies with the New World Order, we’re not quite sure. Luckily, Wizards explain everything:
In another layer of reality altogether…
Wizards of the Coast has announced a TimeShifted® card, originally from Future Sight, that will be printed in Theros!
Rosewater says:
Simultaneously, in a non-comparable temporal frame of reference…
Wizards of the Coast has announced a TimeShifted® card, originally from Future Sight, that will be printed in Theros!
A Wizards spokesperson was on hand with this to say:
Meanwhile, in the darkest of all timelines…
Wizards of the Coast has announced a TimeShifted® card, originally from Future Sight, that will be printed in Theros!
We were shocked at this one — still, it is an enchantment. Let’s see what Wizards said in the announcement:
We also recognized the backlash against the New World Order, so this card and the rest of its cycle are to appease players who want more complexity in their game. Still, we couldn’t just let Theros be the most complex set ever, so we’ve also included extra vanilla cards, including, for the first time, vanilla Instants and Sorceries.
Well, that announcement has certainly whet our appetites for Theros!