Final Ggameria Introductions!
November 20th, 2010
It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for ever so patiently… Ggameria’s ENEMYCOLOR tribes! Get on in here, jabroni!
More...It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for ever so patiently… Ggameria’s ENEMYCOLOR tribes! Get on in here, jabroni!
More...I guess the biggest lesson I learned from this PTQ was that you’ve got to play in tournaments to win tournaments. Sounds stupid, but it is worth remembering.
More...For those of you who do not know, recently has gone down. In its place, I hope to provide a reasonable summary of Standard decks (and perhaps other formats) for GoodGamery by presenting five decks per week, and possible variations of them.
This week we have Naya Shaman, Valakut Ramp with Genesis Wave, Monoblue-midrange, White-Weenie Relic, UB-Control, and 3 color Counterbalance/Top.
More...Hi there, boys and girls!
Welcome to my tourny report, in which I recount the details of my ptq failure. Hooray! Unable to run modo on my netbook, my prep has been limited to physical drafts, reading articles and… watching other people play modo. Feels good.