by Juri
Magic Online has always been a source of great stories. Many named players on the Pro Tour got their start online, as well as many new players who use Magic Online as their starting point on a long journey to become the Multiverse’s greatest Planeswalker. However, often times cards work somewhat differently online as compared to their paper counterparts.
Posted in Announcing, mtg, News, Products | Good Gamery, Juri
Bracketbot & Juri

Posted in card | Bracketbot, Juri
by Aaron Forsythe
You talked again, we listened again.
Posted in mtg | Juri, viashino
by Ertai, Professional Wizard
Being a wizard can be a complex beast—and being a beast can be complex as well. Being a both a wizard and a beast at the same time? It can be downright overwhelming. Until you break it down.
Posted in mtg | Checkbox, Grant, Juri, MindWarped
by Helene Bergeot
We have heard all the feedback, and are taking the following actions:
Posted in mtg | asdf, Juri
Boy, Odric, Lunarch Marshal sure can grant a lot of abilities! Here’s a look at the original design. We shaved a number of keywords after development raised concerns about “rules confusion”, “tournament time limits”, “shuffling nightmares”, and “how on earth would you even print this”. Take a look for yourself if you want to really flip out!
Posted in best of, card, mtg | Andrew J. Nagy, ANIME GOAT ASS, artificial, asdf, Averine, basilisk, Bracketbot, Checkbox, Crunchums, DerangedHermit, Doug, dr slearch, Drkdstryer, Faceless, fmm, Glocks For Interns, Grant, hill giant, Hyphen-ated, JSexton, Juri, Kelvandil, KingRamz, MindWarped, Monty, Mysticake, nemryn, Nightcow, Peebles, Pershore2, QED2, QED3, Rylinks, Seeker, Supa Cow, The Oily Pronghorn, viashino, Vodalian Stallion, wcb, YeNguyen, YWN
Feathers and flocks are set to fly at this, the grand reunion of sanctioned Magic and the stormy climate of sleepy Seattle, Washington, the state named for a president that never visited. The setting is Saturday, the event is a Grand Prix, the format is a Rochester draft of You Make the Set 2016, and the playing field is covered with Storm Crows dropping all over these tables. This event has proven to be historic in another way: boasting competitive Magic’s most exclusive collection of players, only the five bravest souls in the Multiverse decided their mettle was worthy of testing in what would be a grueling and punishing three rounds of Rochester Draft.
Posted in mtg, News, YOU MAKE THE SET 2016 | Checkbox, Juri
I’ll be the first to admit, reviewing a fan-made set seemed daunting, even moreso after seeing how the set took form and became what it is today. That said, I’ve already accepted the contract for writing this piece, so I will do my best to offer some in-depth analysis of how to make the best of the new card(s).
Posted in card, mtg, YOU MAKE THE SET 2016 | Checkbox, Juri