Blarbed Blightning

September 18th, 2008
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by Vandermonde & slearch

Wait, creatures can’t discard you say? What was I thinking of?


Boy’s Suicide Possibly Caused by Game; Manufacturer Denies Responsibility

September 12th, 2008
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by slearch

The tragic death of James Goodman this past weekend has many searching for answers and many, including the boy’s parents, believe that a trading card game is to blame.


Ad Nauseam

September 8th, 2008
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by slearch

Ad Nauseum – fractal’s little brother.


GoodGamery Content Management System 3.0

July 1st, 2008
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by slearch members will now be able to contribute more user content than ever before with the advent of “GoodGamery Content Management System 3.0.”


MTGO Players to Receive Twice the Anticipation

June 10th, 2008
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by slearch

Starting with Eventide, players of Wizards of the Coast’s wildly successful Magic: the Gathering Online (MTGO) will be given the opportunity to look forward to two sets as opposed to the usual single set. Since Shadowmoor has yet to be made available online, the Eventide Preview Booster on marks the first time ever that MTGO players have been able to see cards they can’t play with two sets in advance.


Second Eventide Preview Booster Surfaces

June 9th, 2008
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by slearch

Greetings friends! Another preview booster has appeared on, and as usual I have the real scoop. I have once again been leaked a second preview booster, and wanted you to be the first to see its secrets.


Magic Arcana: I Want to Ride My Charcycle

April 22nd, 2008
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by slearch

As you no doubt have seen at your prerelease, there’s a 10 card cycle in Shadowmoor based on an updated wording of our old favourite, Char.


Second Shadowmoor Preview Booster Surfaces

April 4th, 2008
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by slearch

There was a lot of buzz when the Shadowmoor Preview Booster appeared on It piqued a lot of players’ interest. I have been leaked a second Shadowmoor teaser booster and I wanted you, the good people of, to be the first to see it.



March 22nd, 2008
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by slearch

slearch ponders the cost of greatness.


Transguild Courier

March 19th, 2008
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by slearch

Transguild Courier back in hybrid-happy Shadowmoor.
