Homelands Booster Pack Special
May 11th, 2011
Join us as we open an ultra-rare sealed booster pack from the venerable Homelands expansion!
More...Join us as we open an ultra-rare sealed booster pack from the venerable Homelands expansion!
More...Welcome back to Innistrad Week! I hope you’ve all remained vigilant, because sinister dealings have been going on here at Wizards of the Coast.
More...Welcome to Innistrad preview week! It’s once again time to delve into a new and exciting block (it feels so good to be saying that after sitting on this thing for more than five years). As you will see, this time we’ve taken the set design in a whole new direction. What are we doing, and what inspired us to do it? Before today’s column is done, you’ll know.
More...Good Gamery has recently come in possession of six scans of entirely new Magic 2012 cards. Sources close to Wizards of the Coast have confirmed that they might indeed be real. Considering the events of the past few weeks, we have pondered whether or not to release these images to the public. In the end, we decided to go ahead. We’re really excited about this core set, so without further ado, here are the images.
More...Over the years at GoodGamery we’ve had our fair share of exciting preview cards. As part of the Rise of the Eldrazi alliance we spoiled the Timmy-est card in a Timmy set, Spawnsire of Ulamog. For Magic 2011 we eschewed such whimsy for a card the average player on the street could really connect with: limited workhorse Quag Sickness. Those were heady days indeed, but two sets have gone by since then without so much as a whiff of exclusive news. Has GoodGamery been forgotten? That’s a rhetorical question. The answer is no.
More...It’s Friday night. After weeks of trying, you’ve finally convinced your powerful wizard friend to lend you a legacy deck and let you take a shot at the local monthly eternal event. You haven’t slept for days; you’ve spent every available moment reading up on the format and desperately trailing twitter feeds to look for the newest tech. You’ve turned away phonecalls from your family and your girlfriend. You’ve quit your job. There’s no way you can lose.