Nintendo Boasts Excellent Wii Games
KYOTO, Japan – Nintendo has announced that they expect to sell 18.5 million Wii consoles by March 2008 on top of the more than 20 million they had sold by December 31, 2007. This came on the heels of a record profit for the company during the nine months preceding that date.
“Lesser companies would settle for complacency during these prosperous times. But we know that the sole reason for our recent success has been the high-quality games that top-tier developers have made for our console,” Nintendo President and CEO Satoru Iwata said at a press conference.
“After making the console purchase, Wii owners depend on a consistent flow of these great games, like Ninjabread Man and History Channel: The Battle for the Pacific,” he continued. “I bet a lot of young Wii fans were bursting with gratitude when they found December-release games like Game Party, The Golden Compass, Billy the Wizard: Rocket Broomstick Racing, and Rock ‘N’ Roll Adventures under their Christmas trees.”
“Getting great games to our Wii owners is how we establish and keep brand loyalty,” Iwata remarked. He said that maintaining their high standard of quality is almost a form of viral advertising. “For instance, when someone purchases Jenga: World Tour, Counter Force, Godzilla: Unleashed, Dancing with the Stars, or Monster Trux Arenas, he’s going to be telling all of his friends about it. That’s the kind of word-of-mouth transmission we depend on,” he said.
“We’ll continue to churn out these awesome games as quickly as possible. Oh, we’ve delayed the new Smash Bros.,” Iwata concluded. “Thank you,” he said to scattered applause.