Mad Libs: Choosing a New Magic Set!
The newest set in the Magic the Gathering Universe is called the
. It will debut in October 2008. This set will be the first in a series of three that makes up a new block. It will be aimed at
as all Magic the Gathering sets generally are — we need the money. Inevitably, the theme of this new set will leave many players with the urge to voice their displeasure on
. We have decided based on previous research that the most
set theme is
. Regardless, we hope to circle back to the
theme in the near future, so don’t worry! Another exciting development in this new set is the introduction of
rares that we hope will increase everyone’s
in the game.
Probably the most fun part of
Magic set is picking the codename for that set and block. For the next set, we have decided that the codename will be
. I bet you can’t guess why! Okay we’ll tell you: we love watching funny shows!!!
As with any new Magic set comes the job of integrating it into Magic the Gathering online. We know that players will be excited to see and play with the newest cards. We assure them that server overload
be a problem during that week. We ask them to be patient (but not to give up
cards) and remember that it’s just a game. If you experience any problems, please don’t hesitate to call us (note that offer of help is merely a kind gesture of appeasement on our part, no help is actually available; for rules and limitations contact our lawyers).