Shards Preview Month Contest

What’s this “Alara” business I keep hearing about? “Alara?” What is that, some fantasy mumbo-jumbo? I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to the next set “Shards,” the newest set with the one word name.
“Alara was whole once. But that was milennia ago. Where once there was a plane, now there are five: the Shards. The plane of Alara was a world rich with mana, a world in balance… until the Sundering. In a cataclysm of unimaginable proportions, Alara was rent asunder into five saparate worlds, each a refraction of the others.” – Nizzerds of the Coast
Ugh! What can we do in order to fix this trainwreck of nerdiness and transform it into a train-creation of awesomeness? The only sufficient response is an AMAZING HUMOROUS CONTENT SUBMISSION CONTEST.
I literally hear you asking, “How will this contest work?” Every piece of Officially Acknowledged Content you create during August and September counts toward your standing in the contest, as long as at least one of those pieces of content is a Shards-related humor article. When this time period ends, everyone will vote for which person deserves to win the contest based on the quantity and/or quality of his or her submissions over the course of the submission period. One fantastic article could win it. A dozen “pretty funny” items could win it. Even non-funny content, like tournament reports and strategy articles, can contribute to your victory. It’s up to the plebes!
The person who wins first place in the vote wins an 18 Shards booster packs, which constitutes 0.5 times (!!) a box! Second place wins 9 Shards booster packs. Third place wins 6 Shards booster packs. Fourth place wins 3 Shards booster packs. These prizes have been made possible by donations from our benefactors, an elite group, but not elite to the point of exclusivity!
So what’s the hold-up, jabroni? I’ve called your boss — he/she says you can put off your tasks for as long as it takes.