Kjeldoran Knight: I’m Breaking Up the Band
Kjeldoran Knight gave the following quote to Good Gamery earlier today in an exclusive that marks the end of The Beebles, the most successful Magic band in history. The Beebles have been at the forefront of the public consciousness since they formed in Liverpool during the Declare Attackers step. Since then they have released a string of global hits including ‘Ticket to Ride the Dilu Horse’, ‘With a Little Help From My Friends’, and ‘A Hard Day’s Knight’.
“I mean, we’re just going our separate ways, you know? We worked great together for a few steps, but this is a new phase and me and the boys have a few different ideas about where we’d like to go from here.
“I still consider them my friends, and I hope we’ll be able to collaborate again, of course. Kjeldoran Escort in particular is a great guy – he reminds me of myself after four mana. I’m sure you remember the band’s giant dog phase, which was fun at the time, but the rest of us have moved on.
“Kjeldoran Warrior and I have sure had our differences, but I think a lot of that stemmed from the older brother-younger brother relationship we have. To me, he’ll always be the guy who was summoned on turn one.
“As for Shield Bearer, well, Shield Bearer’s a good kid. I don’t know if he’ll ever be a Skyknight, really, but he played a very important part in the band and I’m grateful for it.”
Kjeldoran Knight decline to comment on his recent Cathedral of Serra marriage to legendary creature Ayesha Tanaka, known for her avant-garde artwork such as putting a skirt on a suit of armour.