Summer of Emilevin’ Week 2 VOTE!
Summer of Emilevin’ voting continues! This week featured 4 excellent and hilarious articles. Only one will win the weekly booster prize, but all of them certainly contributed toward some healthy Summer of Emilevin’ portfolios to be judged at the end of August. But for now, it is your duty to VOTE and help determine which Week 2 item will earn its creator some boosters.
Click here to VOTE! (You must register on the GG Forum to vote, of course.)
Here are the four items you’ll be voting on:
Wells Fargo to Open Magic Online Bank (by kingcobweb)
Why Do These Things Always Happen to Me? (by Vandermonde)
GyantSpyder’s Nothin’-but-Chaff M11 Set Review: White (by GyantSpyder)
Wizards to Introduce New Psychographic Profile (by YeNguyen)
There are still 4 more weeks of Emilevin’ to come, and YOU are encouraged to participate! Click on the Summer of Emilevin’ banner above to get the scoop on how to enter and what’s at stake.