Modern Masters 2015 Preview: A Damn Good Preview
All I can say is that my preview card today is a good card. One might even say, a DAMN good card. One that’s had players clamoring for a reprint for a long time now. It’s so DAMN iconic that it’s even got a full-art foil promo version!
I can’t believe I was actually chosen to preview this card. I’m so DAMN excited! Have you guessed the card yet? Click the link to find out…
That’s what you’re thinking right now, isn’t it? I know, I KNOW!
For a measly six mana, give your opponent the choice of losing some life or sacrificing a few permanents. That’s right, it’s DAMNED if you do, DAMNED if you do, because there’s no “don’t” here. Seriously, if your opponent doesn’t choose a number, check their pulse because they might be dead.
Here’s a deck featuring the DAMN awesome power of this card:
The deck could use some sort of board control card at the four mana slot, but I can’t think of any card like that right now, so we’ll have to make do with what we have.
Of course, your reaction to all this is going to be something like, ‘What the heck? This card doesn’t have an alt-art foil version yet! It’s so DAMN exciting, I want one now!’ Well, you’re about to get your wish. We’re super excited to show off the beautiful alternate-art foil promo Choice of Damnations that some lucky players will be getting from their local game stores with their boxes of Modern Masters 2015. Here it is: