by paz
Florida native David Irvine grasped his plastic-covered deck carefully and deliberately. He closed his eyes and parted the deck into two relatively equal halves, one in each hand. He then pushed the two halves together at their sides in what is sometimes known as the “pile shuffle,” a pragmatic and yet elegent way to quickly redistribute the contents of the deck.
Posted in best of, mtg | paz
by Pterrus
Good news everyone! Our operatives have returned from the time rift and have come up with a partial spoiler from the set code named “Live!” Many Bothans died to bring us this information. Turns out, the set is really called “Delis of Gastronomica” and the set’s theme focuses on a powerful new card type!
Posted in best of, mtg | Pterrus
by ein
Wizards of the Coast (WOTC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, NYSE: HAS) has long held a monopoly over the collectible card game known as Magic: The Gathering (MtG). We at Linzards of the Linoast have been working, along with several prominent MtG players, such as Trey Van Cleave, to produce an open source version of the popular game.
Posted in best of, mtg | ein
by slearch
Hasbro Executive Points at Graph; Wizards to Release ‘From the Vault: Disenchants’ in Time for Valentines Day; Deck Validation Problems Continue to Plague MTGO.
Posted in best of, gg news, mtg | slearch
by slearch
Casual Player Sick of Playing Against Elves; Secret Magic Online Programming Credits List Found; “Planeswalker Deck” Tears Up States, Old-School Player Rolls Eyes.
Posted in best of, gg news, mtg | slearch
by Vandermonde
c/p’ed from Wizards by Vandermonde
Posted in best of, mtg | Vandermonde
by Vandermonde
Multicolor-themed blocks have always been well received, from the recent Shards of Alara all the way back to Legends. So we’re proud to say we’ve taken the next big step in multicolor with Hoops of Alpaca.
Posted in best of, mtg | Vandermonde
by Dr. Magic Cards
For the past 8 turns, the Goldmane administration has been content to sit in office, gaining life for the special interests, while threat after threat came into play.
Posted in best of, mtg | Dr. Magic Cards
by ein
The newest set in the Magic the Gathering Universe is called the [NOUN] of [NOUN]. It will debut in October 2008.
Posted in best of, mtg | ein
by slearch
Greetings friends! Another preview booster has appeared on, and as usual I have the real scoop. I have once again been leaked a second preview booster, and wanted you to be the first to see its secrets.
Posted in best of, mtg | slearch