Archive for the 'ZEN contest entry' Category

New Set Continues Alarming Rare Trend

October 17th, 2009
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by Falco

Early reports from Zendikar PTQs confirm analysts’ worst fears that rares are now more important than ever for sealed deck play. Rares, or “sick variance” as they are sometimes called, appear less frequently in packs compared to other cards. Additionally, there are mythic rares that appear less frequently than other rares.


Rise from your Grave

October 13th, 2009
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by Basilisk

Prepare for you doom, or something like that. Legend has it you can also become a weretiger.


Hard Kor Badass

October 12th, 2009
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by Indie McEmopants

Damage caused by this creature is bona fide badass.


Unstable Ford Expedition

October 12th, 2009
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by Basilisk & The Stu

When it has 3 quest counters, you should buckle your seatbelt.


My Zendikar Midnight Draft of the Damned

October 4th, 2009
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by Mobiusman

A strange thing happened at the Zendikar prerelease’s midnight draft.


Nominal Lightcaster

October 4th, 2009
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by paz

She went to youth group, too.


The Kor Outfitters

October 2nd, 2009
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by Basilisk, GoodGamery Correspondent

Come, Adventurer! How fortunate you are, to be stumbling just now into Kor’s Outfitting Shop. I can see you are on a quest for glorious fashion. Let us begin!


Good Gamery Zendikar Release Contest

September 28th, 2009
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by Good Gamery

The new Magic: The Gathering set: Zendikar, is pouring one out for its homies… and for High Adventure!! To start an adventure of our own, we are holding a contest. Every Officially Acknowledged Content you create and submit between now and the end of OCTOBER is automatically entered, and every participant is eligible to receive prizes.
