Archive for the 'ZEN contest entry' Category
A Guide to Trading
November 3rd, 2009
You don’t need to spend a fortune on packs or singles to get everything you want. You can turn all the bad cards you’ve got into useful things, with a little knowledge and some work. This series of articles is designed to show you how to trade your way into gold. (Or mythic!)
More...Fall 2010 preview: Pirates and Wenches and Rum
November 1st, 2009
We here at have done it again! Our crack agents* have infiltrated R&D and have come back with notes from 2010’s fall expansion.
More...Lighthouse Scientists Prepare Large Hedron Collider
October 27th, 2009
TAZEEM, ZENDIKAR — The Large Hedron Collider was successfully loaded yesterday with a second White Mana Octahedron, say Lighthouse scientists.
More...Tournament Report: Spirit Mountain Vintage Open – *Winner*
October 27th, 2009
Last month, a local Indian school held a Vintage tournament with an interesting twist. They decided to take advantage of their status on the reservation and allow Ante cards, since gambling is perfectly legal there.
More...Dominion Comix #16
October 25th, 2009Dominion Comix #15
October 25th, 2009Announcing: Magic: The Gathering: Dice Game
October 24th, 2009
WIZARDS OF THE COAST PRESS RELEASE. October 24, 2009 -– Renton, Wash. — Wizards of the Coast today announced a new game product just in time for the holidays — Magic: The Gathering: Dice Game.
More...PTQ San Diego Tournament Report
October 23rd, 2009
This is a much more sane draft format than the previous two, so I recommend sticking to two colors with possibly a splash in draft.