Alara Reborn Contest
What happens when a plane of predators collides with four planes of prey?
This is a question you might ask yourself, if you are reading aloud the flavor text for the new Magic: The Gathering set, Alara Reborn!
To commemorate this rebirth, we are holding a contest. Every Officially Acknowledged Content you create and submit starting now and during the month of May, 2009 is automatically entered in the contest, and every participant is eligible to receive valuable prizes. At the end of May, everyone on the forums will vote for their four favorite contributors, whether they contributed fake cards, funny articles, or even set reviews and tournament reports. Once a top four is decided, there will be a runoff to determine which of the four top contributors gets the top prizes.
1st place: 18 Alara Reborn boosters
2nd place: 9 Alara Reborn boosters
3rd place: 6 Alara Reborn boosters
4th place: 3 Alara Reborn boosters
In addition to this, every participant who creates at least one piece of Officially Acknowledged Content will recieve 2 Alara Reborn boosters, as long as supplies last. This includes the top 4 winners!
How do I submit an entry?
Please take a look at these instructions.
Here is a link to the Alara Reborn Visual Spoiler, which will aid you in your quest to create Officially Acknowledged Content. There are plenty of good ideas in there!