Pro MTG Online #241
March 17th, 2011
Pro MTG Online, the ultimate self-aware Magic strategy web comic, has updated itself. Click here to read it!
SEATTLE, WA – A noted member of Good Gamery split in the finals of a draft on Saturday. The momentus win took place during the perpetual Cascade Games Magic: The Gathering events concurrent with the Emerald City Comicon.
More...After learning to count to 10 while defeating Mirrodin, the Phyrexians turn their efforts toward more intricate mathematical pursuits.
More...The previous few weeks or so, I had spent a large amount of time playtesting Standard vs Reid Duke on Magic Workstation (since Mirrodin Besieged wasn’t arriving onto Magic Online). Reid was pretty sold on UB but also said Valakut was a pretty good choice in his opinion. I couldn’t get any of my non-Valakut brews to beat Valakut often enough for my taste, so I just decided to run with it.
More...The Wizards sent me some early Mirrodin Besieged cards, so yesterday I battled Jim, my co-worker and friend, for honor and the crown.
More...WASHINGTON D.C. – As many insiders expected, U.S. House Republicans formally introduced a new bill today, entitled “The Repealing the Job-Killing Ban/Restricted List Act.”