Pro MTG Online #258
October 3rd, 2017
Pro MTG Online, the ultimate self-aware Magic strategy web comic, has updated itself. Click here to read it!
Welcome back the Judge’s Corner, where Good Gamery’s famous judge team analyze the complexities of Magic’s rules and regulations.
More...Welcome back the Judge’s Corner, where Good Gamery’s famous judge team go over some important rules notes and reminders about the new set in preparation for the upcoming prerelease.
More...Welcome back to the Judge’s Corner, where our extremely high-level Good Gamery judges answer your questions about the MTG rules.
More...We at Good Gamery are glad to announce that we were asked to preview an excerpt from Randy Buehler’s upcoming biography, Year One: The Skull! We didn’t have time to read it however, both because we didn’t see the e-mail right away and we weren’t that interested, so we’re just printing it here as it was sent to us instead. Enjoy!
More...With each new block, Magic creature types grow in number consistently and confusingly. Having trouble deciding which creature type best sums up what it means to be you? We’re here to help.