Mike Flores
Flores presents his student with a d20. “I want you to use this in your next game of Magic,” Flores says.
The student asks, “What is it for?”
Flores replies, “This is a misplay die. Every time you make a misplay, you must increase the number on the die.”
The student asks, “Why does the misplay die start at 1?”
Flores replies, “Because using this die is your first misplay.”
Posted in mtg | Good Gamery
Magic’s flavor text is one of the most important parts of what makes a Magic card what it is. Besides helping to flesh out the fictional worlds of the Multiverse, flavor text can also bring characters to life in memorable ways, or allow the designers of the game to sneak in some humor and whimsy into their grimdark fantasy realms. Is your inner Vorthos ready to take a dip in the sweet sweet waters of Lake Flavor Text? Steel yourself, then scroll down to test your might!
Posted in mtg | Good Gamery
Good Gamery Preview Team
This card looks like it’s a lot of fun!
Posted in mtg | Good Gamery, LSK
by Good Gamery
Pirates and Dinosaurs? Why not both at the same time? View our exclusive RIX spoiler!
Posted in mtg, spoiler | Checkbox, Good Gamery, MindWarped
By Good Gamery
ORLANDO, FL — Early this morning, photos of an uncut sheet of Rivals of Ixalan were leaked on imgur.
Posted in mtg, spoiler | Checkbox, Good Gamery, MindWarped
by the Good Gamery Judge Team
Q: I suspect that my opponent is cheating. What should I do?
A: If you think he’s cheating, here is what you should do: 1) identify your feelings; 2) tell him about your feelings; 3) take note of his reaction; 4) try to obtain physical evidence; 5) ask for the respect of honesty; 6) set boundaries for your self-care.
Posted in Judge's Corner, mtg | Good Gamery
by the Good Gamery Judge Team
Welcome back to our regular series Judge’s Corner, where we answer your Magic: the Gathering rules questions. Q: I cast Mind Rot on my opponent, but they have no cards in hand. What happens? A: This is covered by Rule 609.3: “If an effect attempts to do something impossible, it does as much as possible.” […]
Posted in Judge's Corner, mtg | Good Gamery
by Juri
Magic Online has always been a source of great stories. Many named players on the Pro Tour got their start online, as well as many new players who use Magic Online as their starting point on a long journey to become the Multiverse’s greatest Planeswalker. However, often times cards work somewhat differently online as compared to their paper counterparts.
Posted in Announcing, mtg, News, Products | Good Gamery, Juri
by the Good Gamery Judge Team
Welcome back the Judge’s Corner, where Good Gamery’s famous judge team analyze the complexities of Magic’s rules and regulations.
Posted in Judge's Corner, mtg | Good Gamery
by the Good Gamery Judge Team
Welcome back the Judge’s Corner, where Good Gamery’s famous judge team analyze the complexities of Magic’s rules and regulations.
Posted in Judge's Corner, mtg | Good Gamery