Dangerous New Trend: Illegal Magic Gambling
September 22nd, 2010
The Chicago Police Department wishes to warn citizens of the windy city about an emerging and disturbing new trend: illegal Magic gambling.
More...The Chicago Police Department wishes to warn citizens of the windy city about an emerging and disturbing new trend: illegal Magic gambling.
More...… In an effort to keep our esteemed readership informed, we at Good Gamery have finally decided to present the controversial photograph, and let each of our dear readers make their own mind about the matter…
More...Alright, let me set this straight: I am not Garruk’s “companion”. So please, stop calling me that. I am tired of people calling me that with an amused smile on their lips like they want to imply something.
More...(This article contains zombie language.) “Yeah, it’s a wonderful feeling we’re having right now,” said Richard, the oldest of the two lucky corpses. “We’ve all been shambling and rotting for so long, we were starting to think that maybe our chance would never come.”
More...The card is part of a bold marketing strategy by local hobby manufacturer Wizards of the Coast to bring more women — and social recognition — to the game.