‘Chops: Best of Skeletor
The first thing I posted on MT was some terrible photoshop of Demon tokens. I think I just added reminder text saying it was a token or something, making fun of the WotC reminder text.
The second photoshop was the fractal split card. I don’t have the original, but I later redid it using proper frames:
It was a smash success, and probably the reason I kept posting at MT.
People also enjoyed this one while Arnold was running for Governor, and there was some scandal about him groping somebody.
Then I missed so bad with my Goblin Pussy Wagon photoshop that I didn’t even save it.
Someone responded to this with a clampclamp — an equip that equpped to equips.
So I did a summationclamp:
When Daniel Myr was doing MODO stuff, he kept giving us info and retracting it later:
This was in response to some argument where someone kept calling Goblin Sledder a Mons’ Goblin Raiders or something:
This was in a “make a card making fun of yourself” thread:
Nobody found this as funny as I did:
Making fun of card art:
I hoped people would use this to tell people to STFU on the forum, but they didn’t:
This was during 5th dawn spoilers. I guess we knew it was going to be a weird set. We did not yet know there would be a -1/-1 sunburst creature.
This was a demonstration of how I keep my life total IRL;
And this is my fav: