Shadowmoor Preview Month Contest: VOTE!

The Shadowmoor Preview Month Contest has come to an end! Did you have fun seeing all the awesome content pour in? Shut up! We’ve got no time for such nonsense. Here are all the entries:
Shadowmoor, Torment Crash M:TG Reunion Party
Dr. Magic Cards!
Deep Blue/Black Sea
The Downtime Diaries
Shadowmoor Nights, Part II
Shadowmoor Nights, Part I
‘Chop: NOM! NOM! NOM!
Wizards Announces Shadowmoor Theme Song
Zen and the Art of Shadowmoor Limited
“Sympathy for the Inneffable” Lyrics
The Last Jelly Moose
PS Elves Yu: FNM Report
PS Goblins Yu: GP Philadelphia Report
NJ’s Shadowmoor Constructed Review
Invincible Counterfeit Troll
Good Gamery News for April 25, 2008
Top 8 to 10
New DCI Promo Announcement: LOLSpellz
Shadowmoor Preview: Holy Shift, Batman!
Shadowmoor Previews: Grin & Bear It
Magic Arcana: I Want to Ride My Charcycle
Second Shadowmoor Preview Booster Surfaces
The Jester!
And Now for the Other Crap II
And Now for the Other Crap…
The Sage!
The HMS Titanic: What Really Happened?
We’ll have two votes. The first vote is “WHAT WOULD YOUR IDEAL TOP 4 BE?” You can vote for up to 4 contributors! After we get our top 4, we’ll have a vote for who in the top 4 should win it all, in which you may vote for only one contributor.