Ratings Scale
5.0: Multi-format all-star. (Storm Crow. Storm Crow. Storm Crow.)
4.0: Format staple. (Storm Crow. Storm Crow. Storm Crow.)
3.5: Good in multiple archetypes and formats, but not a staple. (Storm Crow. Storm Crow. Storm Crow.)
3.0: Archetype staple. (Storm Crow. Storm Crow. Storm Crow.)
2.5: Role-player in some decks, but not quite a staple. (Storm Crow. Storm Crow. Storm Crow.)
2.0: Niche card. Sideboard or currently unknown archetype. (Storm Crow. Storm Crow. Storm Crow.) Bear in mind that many cards fall into this category, although an explanation is obviously important.
1.0: It has seen play once. (Storm Crow.)
I’ll be the first to admit, reviewing a fan-made set seemed daunting, even moreso after seeing how the set took form and became what it is today. That said, I’ve already accepted the contract for writing this piece, so I will do my best to offer some in-depth analysis of how to make the best of the new card(s).
Storm Crow
Constructed: *.0
A two-drop that defines the format because it is the format. Storm Crow dominating the meta is an understatement, the card is ubiquitous in a way not seen since, well, ever. The 1 power gave me pause, but the 2 toughness made me consider intricacies of combat I had never considered before. Having nothing but Storm Crow at your disposal to close games, every attack feels like a dare to you, the actual player, and accepting how far you’ll go to win.
That said, I expect it to not be a role-player after the season is over; after it ends, if this card turns out to be playable in constructed, I’ll eat crow.
Pun rating: A+ I’m doing my own grades this time
Top 10 Constructed Cards
10. Storm Crow
9. Storm Crow
8. Storm Crow
7. Storm Crow
6. Storm Crow
5. Storm Crow
4. Storm Crow
3. Storm Crow
2. Storm Crow
1. Storm Crow
As always, this list isn’t just in order of rating, but is a combination of cards I think will be impactful or interesting. By definition, this list includes the same card ten times.
The question that remains is whether there are any interesting brews that can come from the new set. Here’s three possible directions I’d recommend starting with:
A fairly straightforward all-in attack deck that minimizes land count for efficiency and consistency. The odds of not having ample Storm Crows in your opener are significantly reduced, and you also decrease the risk of drawing lands when you need birds.
Casual-favorite and Coldsnap stalwart Thrumming Stone makes an appearance here, abusing the Relentless Rats clause to dump a bunch of birds onto the board for 1U. Operates faster than the Relentless Rats builds, plus these birds fly; at the end of the day, 32 flying damage should be more than enough to close out games.
A new take on Randy Buehler’s Draw-Go deck, this uses Storm Crow in place of Rainbow Efreet to close out games after achieving complete resource dominance over an opponent. Should you be ready to cast it, Storm Crow closes out goldfish games just as well as any other threat in its slot.
I look forward to seeing your brews in the comments, but until then, look forward to Grand Prix: Seattle showcasing what Storm Crow can do this weekend.
Available one night only, a promotional Storm Crow-themed Island — and that night is tonight! Be sure to attend your local FNM for your one and only chance to obtain one of these super-rare promos!
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