Ten Habits of Highly Successful Magic Players, Part 2
October 27th, 2015
When I was a boy, my estranged father took me to see a Magic show at my estranged uncle’s bar. The Magician was a sad man: older, balding, hands arthritic from the repeated flick of the rabbit from the hat. But what struck me above all else was the wonder he filled the room with. Every child’s eyes were wide, his mouth drooling with the promise that he would bear witness to something amazing: that he was the chosen one. How could the magician do this?
More...Ten Habits of Highly Successful Magic Players, Part 1
October 26th, 2015
Let’s do a little thought experiment: Go find a Jace. Any one will do, although it works better with the more expensive ones. Take a good, long look at it.
More...Magic Online Bugs: Real or Fake?
October 23rd, 2015
We all love Magic Online! And one of the best things about Magic Online is that, 4 out of every 5 times, it works exactly like you’d expect, without any bugs to get in the way of your digital card experience. Of course, nobody’s perfect, least of all the vigilant MODO programmers, so we created […]
More...The New Flavor of Magic
September 21st, 2015
What up dawgs? Just MaRo Monday poppin’ in to let you know we here at Wizards pay close attention to what our customers want. Magic is a game of the people! And according to our research wizkids, junk food and MtG are inseparable! While me and Hasbro were pondering this connection at a Bohemian Grove […]
More...GoodGamery Exclusive BFZ Prevew: Brutal Expulsion
September 16th, 2015
Hoo boy, we here at Good Gamery LLC are h*ck of excited to have an Extremely Exclusive, Real Preview that was given to us, and no one else, these statements have all been true!
September 15th, 2015
With the upcoming introduction of the devoid mechanic in Battle For Zendikar, we’ve had a lot of questions about what this will mean for the deck construction rules. Since devoid cards have the colorless color identity, they can only be played if your general also has the colorless identity. It’s as simple as that. Note that the restriction on mana symbols still applies.