2021: The Year of the Planeswalker
2020 has been a tough year for magic players. Between social distancing, rising unemployment, and deadly plagues, enjoying magic isn’t always easy! We at Wizards of the Coast understand that this year has been a downer, so we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to prepare a special, absolutely unprecedented experience for you in 2021. We’re calling it The Year of the Planeswalker, and we think you’re in for a treat. We can’t tell you absolutely everything we have planned, but we’re going to be giving you several ‘Premium Peeks’ through the remainder of 2020. Here are just a few of the things you can look forward to in 2021:
Nonstop Action: We’ve increased our product releases to keep up with demand, and Magic is thriving. In 2021 we’re taking things to the max! Every friday, a new expansion set, commander product, or secret lair will release at local game stores! Every week will be a preview week! Look forward to rapid innovation in your favorite formats, with no time for anything to become stale no matter how many overpowered or oppressive cards we accidentally release!
Ultra Pro Partners: Starting in 2021, Wizards has partnered with Ultra Pro to deliver incredible magic themed collectible gaming accessories as a subscription box. There will be three levels of box: Apprentice Wizard for $10 a month, Seasoned Guildmage for $30 a month, and Veteran Planeswalker for $100 a month. The Apprentice wizard will receive one magic deck box and 100 magic art sleeves every month, delivered right to you by whichever mail options still exist by next year. The Seasoned Guildmage will get the deck box and sleeves, as well as a special playmat and tee shirt (women’s sizes not available). The Veteran Planeswalker will receive all of the previous level’s awards, as well as a Mark Rosewater body pillow, special weekly Drive To Work podcast content, and exclusive access to the magic research and development Only Fans.

Counter the cold embrace of anxiety with the warm embrace of Maro!
Social Distanced Tournaments: We’re requiring all local game stores to purchase specially designed Planeswalker Tables produced by Ikea. These two-seat tables are six feet wide, and feature clear polycarbonate sheets down the middle and at the sides to prevent the spread of germs. Stores which do not purchase these tables will be downgraded to ‘plague vector’ status and will no longer be authorized to run in person events going forward. Each two person table costs $600 and special eight person draft tables are available for only $3,500. Supplies are very limited, so large event organizers will want to grab these up ASAP!
The Reserved List: Each Friday in 2021, we will be adding one set of cards from the reserved list to MTG Arena. These cards will be legal in Historic upon release and will not be banned or restricted preemptively. This is part of the ‘Rapid Innovation’ project we’re promoting for The Year of the Planeswalker! If you’ve ever wanted to play a deck with four black lotus and four thunder spirit, this is your year! Reserved list cards will only be available as crafts using wild cards. Purchase the Reserved List Mastery Pass for $99.99 to unlock a limited availability Time Elemental pet that makes opponents idle timer run out in half the time while speeding up your card animations!