‘Spawnsire of Ulamog’ Card Pieces
April 13th, 2010
On Friday, we hosted a ROE spoiler hunt on Good Gamery to reveal the card “Spawnsire of Ulamog” in a fun and irritating way! Here’s the card, and where we hid the pieces.
More...On Friday, we hosted a ROE spoiler hunt on Good Gamery to reveal the card “Spawnsire of Ulamog” in a fun and irritating way! Here’s the card, and where we hid the pieces.
More...We were planning on spoiling a new ROE card today, as part of our ROE alliance with WOTC! But… something terrible has happened!
More...Looking at this Bloodbraid Elf in my summoning book, I can’t help but wonder, “What’s the point?”
More...M is for monsters, which is why I have a wall.
Z is for Zendikar, which is the plane I live on.
The rest of the staff has done a great job at the difficult task of attempting to evaluate the six preview cards in a vacuum. Of course, the true test of their utility, especially in limited, will be how they perform in the context of the rest of the set. To that end, we’re here to take a look at how Rise of the Eldrazi might play out, based entirely on these 6 cards.
More...They’re here! What follows are the six cards, each with commentary by four of GG’s top Magic players/evaluators: Peebles (Benjamin Peebles-Mundy), Llarack (Jarvis Yu), NicotineJones, and Sti (Stuart Wright).
More...The greatest concern for many is how the loot affects Zendikar Prison’s security. Since its construction, a constant stream of adventurers have been pouring in, massively compromising Zendikar’s security measures in the process.