Archive for the 'M11 contest entry' Category
Nothing Survive Wrath of Suncrusher
August 2nd, 2010
You. Planeswalker. You ever summon Suncrusher? No. Foolish Planeswalker incur Suncrusher wrath.
More...Wizards to Introduce New Psychographic Profile
July 30th, 2010
Let’s bring out the psychographic profiles for a bit. Quick! What’s the first card that comes to mind for the following?
More...GyantSpyder’s Nothin’-but-Chaff M11 Set Review: White
July 28th, 2010
Welcome to GyantSpyder’s Nothin’-but-Chaff Set Review, M11 edition. My ratings are all for the same format: Shoebox in the Back of Your Closet Constructed. I might add commentary for other formats I play or hear other people talk about, but if I don’t mention a card, it’s probably because it thinks it is better than other cards, and I’m not interested in jerkface, persnickety cards like that.
More...Why Do These Things Always Happen to Me?
July 27th, 2010Wells Fargo to Open Magic Online Bank
July 26th, 2010
In a shocking announcement today, major financial services firm Wells Fargo announced that they would diversify their business by opening a branch of their banks on Magic Online.
More...“Greaves” Begins Interplanar Tour
July 23rd, 2010
rom the touring company that brought you Phantom Monster of the Opera, The Musician Man, and Angelic Chorus Line…
July 21st, 2010I Have Wings, Yet Cannot Fly
July 20th, 2010A Lorwyn Public Service Announcement
July 19th, 2010
For years, Shapeshifter children who were displaced from their original homes — so-called ‘Crib Swap Babies’ — have suffered from an undeserved social stigma. They make look different to those around them, but given the proper love and care they can develop into fully-functional adults.